Cashmere Crypt

about me

Hi there, I'm Mika. I initially started this website as a space to share things that interest me, such as my love for art and Japanese fashion.

Recently, I started using this site as an alternative to social media. You can expect to see posts sharing my creative process, art projects, and inspiration.

When I'm not coding or working on art projects, I'm usually playing tabletop games like Magic: the Gathering or Kingdom Death, baking bread, or attending tea parties. I also love to travel, and take every opportunity I can to visit new places and listen to live music.

Read my diary ;)

class skills

Web Developer

Level 74

7,444 / 10,000


Level 10

1,090 / 10,000


Level 1

135 / 10,000

1 XP = 1 hour of practice

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