Hello World

  • last updated: 01/21/2024
  • posted on: 01/08/2024

A New Site

Thank you for visiting my first garden post! I am excited to begin writing posts on things that interest me or that I find useful.

You can expect to see a smattering of posts about art & design, web development, Japanese fashion, and personal posts.

Trying Again

If you've followed my online journey, you'll know that I have tried and failed to create a garden several times.

My struggles can be attributed to a few issues:

  1. Using WordPress and other bloatware
  2. Trying to write for Google's algorithm instead of for myself and my friends
  3. Choosing a narrow niche

I plan to remedy these issues by...

  1. Using my own code to develop the theme for this garden, and keeping the code as simple as possible
  2. Treating this site as a very personal, social-media-adjacent space to put things that I like (and ignoring Google-sama as much as possible)
  3. Selecting whatever random topics interest me, regardless of what "how to start a garden" posts seem to advise

Site Issues

If you notice any issues with this site, please let me know! My inbox is always open at cashmerecrypt@pm.me or you can report an issue on github.