Cashmere Crypt

my collection

about egl fashion

Elegant Gothic Lolita is a fashion style that originated in Japan in the early 1990s. It is highly feminine, has a distinct and modest silhouette, and is generally made from high-quality materials. Click here to learn more about the fashion.

who is lolita for?

Anyone can be a lolita, regardless of race, gender, body type, physical ability, or sexual orientation. Although there is a monetary investment to get started, there are now many quality brands that offer beautiful pieces at a lower price than in years past.

what does it mean?

The meaning of lolita differs from person to person. For some, it is simply a fashion statement. For me, it is a way to express my feminity in a way that is just for myself.

I love to immerse myself in a beautiful, soft, lacy world. I am also a member of the slow fashion movement, and I appreciate any brand that produces high-quality clothing intended to last for years to come.

obligatory statement

Despite its name, Elegant Gothic Lolita holds no relation to the Russian novel or any related proclivities.

my lolita posts

further reading

iceberg reading


₊⊹ Jul 24

Create bookshelf page.

₊⊹ Jul 17

Write in diary.

₊⊹ Jun 27

Write in diary.

₊⊹ Jun 18

Update wardrobe. Update art gallery.

₊⊹ May 22

Update links. Update homepage class skills to reflect guild. Add WIP art.

₊⊹ May 13

Write in diary. Update wardrobe and add new dress to handmade archive.

₊⊹ May 3

Update guild to support new member info like description

₊⊹ Apr 30

Update wardrobe and add new bloomers to handmade archive.

₊⊹ Apr 23

Add guild!!!

₊⊹ Apr 11

Update skilltree

₊⊹ Apr 9

Add skilltree

₊⊹ Apr 2

Gut site layout & add diary ;)

₊⊹ Apr 1

Update site layout & reorganize pages

₊⊹ Mar 28

Update wardrobe.

₊⊹ Mar 27

Update colors & styles across site. Update wishlist.

₊⊹ Mar 12

Add a new handmade collection to the EGL Fashion page.

₊⊹ Mar 6

Another new piece for my art gallery!

₊⊹ Mar 5

New piece added to the gallery.

₊⊹ Feb 29

Add photos to 100 Lolita Questions.

₊⊹ Feb 28

Plant 100 Lolita Questions in my garden.

₊⊹ Feb 21

Update wardrobe plan.

₊⊹ Jan 30

Update wardrobe.

₊⊹ Jan 21

Migrate posts from my old website to my digital garden

₊⊹ Jan 19

Convert blog section to a digital garden. I want this site to grow along with me.

₊⊹ Jan 18

Add egl fashion section with a wardrobe and wishlist feature.

₊⊹ Jan 14

Add links and a button that I designed for my site.

₊⊹ Jan 8

Add blog section and first blog post. Make layout mobile friendly. Add art gallery.

₊⊹ Jan 4

Create the basic layout for Cashmere Crypt.

( ´ཀ` )